
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Managua to Escamaquita

The flight to Managua took us over the Gulf if Mexico, the Yucatan, San Pedro Soula (Honuras) to Managua. We landed in Managua about 12:30; made it through customs and found our driver, Jose Rojas, from Paso Pacifico. He spoke no English, I got to start using my limited Spanish right away. The trip to the study site is only about 70 miles, but took about 3 hours. Managua was very congested and dirty, but once out of the city, the scenery was beautiful. We went through Masaya, Rivas to outside San Juan del Sur. Then down a dirt road about 7 miles (20 min) to Escamaquita. This is a picture of our place. We met the Lopez family, who take car of the place. They are very nice. Virginia is a great cook, Martín keeps us safe and the equipment running. Daughter Jessica (12) is very quiet and son Victor (9) is lots of fun and very helpful with Spanish. The place runs on solar power, so Internet access is limited to middle of the day. Should be able to make regular posts. The plan is to go bat netting tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Yeay for Skype. It was great talking with you and getting the tour of the house. What a great house too. I really like the courtyard. Every house should have one of those.

    I just set up your map but watch for changes. It'll need some tweaking.

