
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dec 31 San Juan del Sur

Today we slept in, then about noon we took Martín in to town because he wasn't feeling well. Unfortunately the clinic closed early for the holiday.
Carol took Martín home while Bill, Stu and I wandered around San Juan del Sur. We did some shopping and window shopping is the various shops and sight-seeing, then met Carol for a late lunch at El Timon. I had lagustina con salsa (lobster) with rice and fried plantains and two Toña beers for less than $20.
We had been seeing these straw men around the area and we learned that they are called Muñeco de oja seca and they represent the old year. They are set on fire at midnight to escort the old year out.
For the evening we drove south along the coast to Refugio de Vida Silvestre La Flor to look for sea turtles (tortugas). Martín was still not feeling well, but we took Virginia (27), Jessica (12) and Victor(9) with us. There were no more laying female turtles on the beach like Carol and company had seen last month. We did however see hundreds of baby turtles (Ridley's olive) hatching out of the sand. The refuge has staff and armed guards to protect the turtles. Our guide encouraged our two young guests to help gather turtles and release them in the water. Victor had never seen turtles before and was very excited to help. Even though Virginia was born just down the road, she had never seen baby turtles before. The trip was a big hit.
Once back at the house, we had Flor de Caña rum and some dessert wine while playing "Shut the Box," a dice game. We all headed off to be "early" at about 11pm, with the sounds of music and occational fireworks around us as we get close to 2012.
A very good day.

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