
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Jan 6 2012 Escameca Grande

Jan 6 2012 Escameca Grande
What a difference location makes! We left the La Campana area and went to Escameca Grande.
We got up and left the house by 8:30am to go into San Juan del Sur. Our solar/Internet system has been more than a little flakey, Carol had Skype conference call, Martín had a doctor follow up visit, and Victor was having a baby tooth pulled. We all went in to town and took care of our errands, including a long wait at the post office.
We got back to the house about 11am, rushed about to get lunch, gather gear together and get location points for Anabats for José and Marlon. Once Christian, José and Marlon arrived and had Anabat stuff ready, we were ready too and left the house about 2pm and headed to Escameca Grande area. We went part way in and the Anabat team (Carol, José, Marlon and Christian) head out to install a station. Bill, Stu and I guarded the truck and looked for birds. Saw many hummingbirds, as usual, could not get a good enough look.
Elegant trogon
Black throated trogon
Black kingbird
White-winged dove
Roadside hawk (Buteo magninosis)
Green kingfisher

What a night!
61 bats, 14 species
New species tonight (*new for Carol and project!):
Pteronotus personas
Lophostoma brasiliensis
*Molossus pretiosus
*Centurion Seneca Wrinkle-face bat
Artibius literalist Great fruit-eating bat
Artibius phaeotis Pygmy fruit-eating bat
Artibius intermedius
*Molossops greenhalli

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