
Monday, January 2, 2012

Jan 2 2012

Today our first charge was to take Martín in to San Juan del Sur to the clinic to see a doctor. He was feeling slightly better yesterday... Enough to join us netting bats behind the house... But was back to feeling I'll again. Carol, Bill and I took Martín in at 7:30am and dropped him at the clinic so he did not have to walk and take the bus. We then walked around town: got breakfast, did some shopping at the market, tried to get postal stamps (closed for some reason), and returned to check on Martín about 11am. He'd gotten his blood sample taken but had to wait until 1pm (or so) before he could see the doctor. He would wait and we should go back to the house and do our work. So we did... I'm processing photos for Carol and helping with GIS work. We even Skyped my "help desk" (David) to help with some data issues. Victor, our 9 year old helper, was hanging around looking up English words in our Spanish-English dictionary and giving us lots of practice. He also offered to do the dishes for us. He and Bill looked so cute working at the sink, whistling and chatting while doing the dishes! :)
Mid-afternoon, Carol went back to town to pick up Martín. As best we can understand, he has some parasites, a kidney infection and a mild case of dengue fever and received a pile of medications and orders from the doctor to rest.
No netting today. Tomorrow our Nicaraguan help is back and we'll be doing netting back over in the Las Campas area, with a longer hike in to the larger piece of intact forest. Sounds promising if the wind cooperates. It's been windy all day today!
Saw a small falcon this morning, but like the green parrots, I could not get a good enough look to figure out what kind. We have commented that there seems to be few birds around... Maybe it's the season?

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