
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Jan 10 Escameca Grande closer to ocean

N 11.17411 W85.80196
Tonight was my last night of netting. We went to Escameca Grande, but closer to the coast. We were searching for a place where Carol had permission and José suggested this spot. We had to stop and get permission from "Freddy" was National Director of Parks and is now managing this Reserve Area. He escorted is personally to get the key to the gate and got us to the area we were going to net, then walked back to his house. Very nice.

On the way there we saw:
Short-tailed hawk (Buteo brachyurus)
Pacific screech Owl (Otis cooperii)
Orange-fronted parakeet (Ataringa canicularis)
Thick kneed heron?

We set up the triple-high with 12 m nets, plus an 18 and 12 m nets. Just as the sun was setting we caught three solitary sandpipers in the triple. Shortly after that we started catching bats... Including three Greater fishing bats. I got the first one... Way beyond cool!

32 bats, 9 species with the new species of the Great fishing bat (Noctilio leporinus). So my total for species handles during my stay is 24 species.

After we packed up all the gear about 11pm, we drove the short distance to the beach. We walked along the beautiful beach by the light of an almost full moon as the tide was coming in. Very nice end to my Nicaragua bat netting experience.

I said farewell to Christian, with the help of Dan and Jose. I got to thank him for his patience and wonderful conversations.

Home 1am

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