
Friday, January 6, 2012

Jan 5 2012 La Campana

On the way into The edge of San Juan del Sur on our way to net we saw a Variegated squirrel (sciurus rariegatoides dorsal is). It's a grey squirrel with a black stripe from the top of his head, all the way down to the tip of the tail.
We went back to the La Campana area again, but set nets not so far in. Carol, Christian, Jose and Marlon hiked farther in to retrieve the Anabats we set out two nights ago and move them to new locations. Bill, Stu and I set up nets. We set up the triple-high net (imagine two flag poles with three nets one ontop of the other. Then we set up three other regular nets. Near where we were setting up was a bunch of howler monkeys with several babies, then a small bunch of Central American Spiderman monkeyed (Ateles geoffroyi geoffroyi) we're knocking fruit down on us. I whistled for Bill to come she and boy did the monkeys react to the whistle! Howler monkeys howled, spider monkeys chirped and flew through the trees.
Also saw tonight:
Ringed kingfisher (Ceryle rorquals)
Green kingfisher (in net) (Chloroceryle americana)
Yellow and grey passarine (in net) Tropical Parula (Parula pitiayumi)?
Common parque (Nyctidromus albicollis) (nighthawk)
Rat snake
21 bats , 9. Species
New species tonight
PTPA Pteronotus parnellii
ARPH Artibius phaeotis
PTGY Pteronotus gymnonotus
PTPE Pteronotus personatus

Home 1am

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