
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jan 5 2012

This morning is much cooler... Very nice. Even slept with a blanket last night! This morning local men have been hired to harvest hay in the front of the house. They started work at 6:30 and this is how far they got by 10am.

We're planning on trying the La Campana area again today, which means we have to leave the house by about 12:30. Right now the Internet connection isn't working. With my limited Spanish, what I understand from Martín is that they solar system all looks like its working but the cellular signal strength is low right now. May need more solar charge, or there' something outside the system going on with all the wind.
We practiced setting up the triple-high net for tonight. Included a picture of dinner: watermelon (sandia), meat (Carne), avacado, salad and passion fruit juice.

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