
Monday, January 9, 2012

Jan 8 Granada

N 11.92762 W 85.94218
Today we went to the Cuidad de Granada to drop Stu off with a Paso Pacifico employee to go to Managua for the evening and fly home tomorrow. The "fair well" that Stu received from the Lopez family was so touching. Carol said that especially Martín and Victor have gotten very attached to many of her volunteers. What a nice, loving, caring family!

While waiting for Stu's ride in Granada, we did a little wandering around the town square. We visited some of the craft stalls. One was a Women's Cooperative from Isla Zapatera ( that had some great woven items and jewelry made from native seeds. I got a nice seed neckless. We also stopped in an ice cream shop... I had passion fruit frozen yogurt. Yum! We found Stu's ride from Paso Paifico, said good bye, then headed back to San Juan del Sur. In Rivas we came across a great drum band. They were awesome. The two bass drum players were throwing and dancing with their drums. Aaron and his marching band friends need to see the video! It's even more impressive than the CSU marching band "trombone suicide!"We watched them for about 20 min and they were going strong with no sign of slowing down!
We made it back to San Juan del Sur by about 6pm. Too late to go to the grocery store, but we went to dinner in town. The pace is slower, so dinner took about 2 1/2 hours. We got home about 9pm. Early bed time tonight. We'll try going back into town for groceries in the morning, before the Nicaraguan members of the team get in from the weekend.

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