
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jan 3 2012 La Campana

Carol, Bill, Stu, Christian and I left the house at about 1pm and drove back over to La Campana area. We hiked in to the general area we netted last time. Carol and I broke from the group and set up a passive Anabat station for a F3p1 site (adjacent forest to large unfragmented forest). Carol and I returned to the group and Then hiked a ways in to a second Anabat station for a F4p1 site. It's a real neat spot and we found large cat scat and track (maybe mountain lion, but track is a little small). It is a little ways into an "unfragmented, large forest patch".
The hiking is along paths, sometimes leaf-cutter ant trails. Today had some steep ground to cover in 90% humidity... We were all soaked!
We set up 4 mist-nets near the second Anabat station along a creek.
When we parked the truck and were getting ready for our hike, Bill discovered he'd forgot socks to wear in his irrigation boots. He hiked in without socks, but was developing blisters. While waiting for bats, we suggested he try the rubber gloves... He looked like a blue-footed booby!
It was a slow night: only 10 bats (9CASU, 1 CAPR). We did see a couple of really cool fresh water crabs, lots of huge beautiful spiders with sparkling emerald eyes, tarantula, tree frogs. Carol and I, taking turns with the Spanish-English dictionary, had a fun conversation with Christian about the various animals he has seen in Nicaragua. He is so patient and great at trying again with different words when we get stuck!
On the 50 min hike back to the truck we saw another four-eyed opossum and a momma 2-toed sloth with baby.
Home at 1am and a nice cold Toña beer for a nightcap with Los gringos de murciélagos.

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