
Monday, January 2, 2012

Jan 1 2012 Río Escamaquito

Tonight we netted a short time at the river behind the house (Rio Escamaquito). It was a very windy/gusty evening so we only netted from 5-9pm. And we only got two bats, but both new species for Stu and me. The were:
Sturnia lilium Little yellow-shouldered Bat
Artibius literates Great fruit-eating bat

We also saw:
Solitary Sandpiper (caught in net)
Howler monkeys and babies
Parrot sp?
Spider eyes sparkle in the grass
A giant toad (zapos grandes)
Fireflies (kieva plata)
Kinkajou (cuyuso )

Then we played "Shut the Box" with Martín and Victor.

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