
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Jan 12 Managua Hills

Got a good nights sleep, but woke up a little lost. There was quite the chorus of white-winged doves. Somehow I was at my parent's house in Roswell NM....Nope, Managua. I'd gotten very used to the morning chorus at Escamaquita: rooster, howler monkeys, magpie-jays, parrots, the dogs and of course the Estella crescendo. So the doves threw me off. Rolled over and got a little more sleep before the big hop to Houston.
Got up about 8am... A warm shower to settle down all the new bug bites I got during dinner on the patio (I guess). I won't miss the mosquitoes and gnats! Went down to the patio for breakfast: ham and vegi omelet, pinto gallo, toast, mango jelly, coffee and juice.
Mayor picked me us at the hotel exactly at 10am. It's across town to the north to the airport, so had another experience of zigging and zagging through the narrow streets, then on to the "2-lane" roads. They don't have lines designating lanes and the drivers use them as anywhere from one to three lanes depending on the size and kind of vehicle. Lots of honking to communicate who's passing who. Made it to the airport; checked one bag taking some items home for Carol; through security and did a little trinket shopping with the last of my $Cordobas. Also picked up a bag of Zambos for David and Aaron to try.

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