
Friday, January 13, 2012

Jan 13 Last Thoughts

As I am about to head out on the last leg of my adventure, some last thoughts.
Carol is so very lucky with all the great people helping her on this project. The Lopez family is so caring and helpful... And they don't have to be. The tears and hugs from them as I left are precious! Her project helpers Christian, José and Marlon are wonderful people and contribute greatly to Carol getting this project work done. It's great how much they have gotten done so far! Two more weeks for Carol, then José and Marlon will continue with the Anabat data collection part.
This trip has been great for me. Even though I feel tired from keeping the bat schedule, the numerous bug bites and just plain travel, I feel rejuvenated and ready for the next adventure... What ever that may be.

I'll post final species list when I get home... And more photos!

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